June 2019 Google update

With every new update comes a new challenge for search engine optimization Austin TX experts to tackle. In fact, ever since the March 2019 core update, companies are still trying to recover their rankings.
So, what can businesses expect from this most recent core update? Let’s find out.
On June 3rd, Google released the broad core update that is now in action! What does this mean for search engine optimization Austin TX?
In short, nothing is being changed per say. Instead the update is pertaining to algorithms that are meant to improve relevance which in return can improve the quality of content.
Another aspect of this core update is to change how Google interprets requests made on search engines and how Google reads web pages. Once that’s achieved, both aspects can begin to work closer together to increase traffic to ranked websites.
No need to worry, Google has been known to run updates several times throughout the year! The only thing companies should be aware of is how it will affect SERP rankings moving forward.
Unfortunately, the impact has not been measured to its full extent just yet. So, the rate of the impact won’t be known for a little while.
As a frame of reference, the last update in March 2019, stated that out of 500 SEO experts 56 percent recovered from the previous updates while the other 44 percent had a tougher time recovering.
A core update is unlike any other major updates Google has done in the past, otherwise known as, Penguin, Panda, Pigeon or Fred. Rather than create an algorithm for a specific purpose, the goal of a core update is to nip and tuck apart of the main search algorithm specifically.
That’s not to say that things are completely changing though. In most cases, a core update is small, which means that Google can quickly alter the algorithm with little effect on rankings in SEO and SERPS.
A penalty is another way for Google to say that a violation has been made. A violation could be the use of spam which will affect a website’s ranking on organic searches.
But, as far as algorithm updates go, they are not penalties! Think of an update as a recipe that is being slightly changed to improve the quality of ingredients. So, although it might taste a little differently no one is going to notice any big changes.
It is important to note that both of the Google penalties and updates do share a similar influence on the ranking of your website. So, although updates aren’t penalties it’s never a bad idea to keep up with new trends.
Overall, the only way to ensure success in the digital world means knowing how to alter your SEO approach to fit Google’s updates.
It’s tough to do your search engine optimization Austin TX all on your own! So in the next step for any company looking to boost their SEO strategy is to hire the right professionals for the job!
Need help with your search engine optimization Austin TX? Contact us today and let us help you reach your SEO goals!
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